Enoroo, is the most consumed food in the world, controlled and distributed by the CoCo Kingdom.
an uncut Enoroo cube |
Enoroo is a synthesized, processed, nutrient, gluclose block, derived from the
Kakoaum plant which originates in the CoCo region. Because the CoCo region has been the major trade region in the world for over 60 years, Enoroo has become the largest globally exported food item.
a meal made 100% of Enoroo |
In the last 30 years Enoroo has become the number one consumer product amongst the majority of the world. Enoroo can be processed into produce with a texture and appearance exactly like that of many foods.
The popularity of Enoroo has lead to many food types becoming rarer and thus more expensive, allied with the over harvesting in the
Generations War by members of the Meister Guild, known as the
Confectioner's Guild.
a cut Enoroo cube |
Enoroo dominates the trade market many people eat very little else in the family of foods due to it being cheaply purchasable and readily availible. As a result, there are many people who have never eaten any food product other than Enoroo.
Raw Enoroo cubes are processed and exported in and from the CoCo region exclusively.